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In terms of social welfare facilities and subsidies until the end of 2023, there were 11 welfare service centers for mental disorders, and the physical and mental disability living allowance was granted to 121,940 people with NT$639,774,958 issued. Assistive devices allowance was granted to 1,131 people with NT$16,858,953 issued; the childcare subsidies were granted to 53,688 people with NT$305,824,500 issued.; child and adolescent life support was provided to 17,950 persons, with an amount of NT$36,743,650 issued.

There are 215 community care centers, providing care to 3,263 people, sharing meals to 10,515 people, and conducting 64 multi-curriculum courses with 1,382 participants.

Elderly allowance of Miaoli County will be issued from 2024, Each person will be issued NT$1,000 per session, which will be transferred to the personal account by remittance before the lunar New Year, Dragon Boat Festival and Double Ninth Festival.

In terms of family welfare services for foreign spouses, there were 1,048 respondents of telephone visits in 2023 with 483 family visits; there were 3,414 people participating in 65 sessions of family support services held for foreign spouses.