There are 534,575 people in the whole county, accounts for 2.28% of the total population in Taiwan. The density of population is 293.67 persons per square kilometer. Age 15 to 64 years old population accounts for 69.71%, 48.43% of employed population is to Goods-producing industries, the Service-producing industries accounts for 46.58%, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Animal Husbandry account for 4.99%. The administrative division is divided into 18 cities of villages and towns. The local trait has human touch industriously simple and honest, is to merge by the ethnicities, such as Hakkas, Fujian, Sai-Hsia Tribe,Tai-ya Tribe. Population and nationality picture The culture of many styles and character, which pregnant with the literature and art skill assets of abundant people in this county.