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The Yuanli Farmers’ Association Held the Opening Ceremony of their Special Products Promotion and Rice Field Painting Event

Miaoli County Government Press Release: 2023/09/09

News Media Division, General Affairs Department: Mr. Li Jun-ping, 037-559825


The Yuanli Farmers’ Association held a special product promotion event next to the Love Orchard on the morning of September 9th. At the event, 17 rush-weaving craftsmen- and- women were rewarded for their efforts in inheriting and developing the unique rush-weaving culture. This year’s theme for the coloring of the rice field, the highly valued cash crop Red Sage (Dan Shen in Mandarin), was also announced.


To celebrate the unique local food culture and encourage people to be close to the land as well as experience the rural area’s delicacies, the Yuanli Farmers’ Association organized the event with assistance from the subsidy from the Taichung Branch, Agency of Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation, MOA. Together both of these promote the rice field painting and local rush culture that are the special products in the Yuanli Township.


The event was officially declared open by Magistrate Chung Tung-chin, Legislator Chen Chao-ming, the Director-General of the Taichung Branch, Agency of Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation, MOA, Chen Rong-jun, the Director-General of Northern Region Branch, Agricultural and Food Agency, MOA Lin Mei-hua, the County Councilors Zhang Gu-li, Weng Jie, and Chen Pin-an, the Chairman of the Yuanli Township Representatives Hong Huang-qi, the President of the Yuanli Farmers’ Association Lu Lian-qing and the Chief of Staff Zheng Nian-jun.


Magistrate Chung Tung-chin stated that the Yuanli Township has a natural environment and abundant agricultural resources, which nurtures its two treasures: rice and rush. The visitors will not only experience the taste of the special product -DIY rice food - but also learn the traditional rush culture inherited by local excellent rush craftsmen and craftswomen. We especially appreciate the Yuanli Farmers’ Association and the residents of the Jishe community for their great efforts in the promotion of rural regeneration.


The Yuanli Farmers’ Association organizes different themes of rice field painting every year. It has now entered its 22nd year and the theme of the rice field painting this year is “Dan Shen”, the highly-valued cash crop Red Sage. It’s also the homophonic pun of “single” in English. Hence, another marketing event “Finding the Other Half. Saying Goodbye to the Single (Dan-shen) Life.” will be held on November 11th.